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What treatment does your office provide?

We provide conventional root canal therapy, retreatment of failing root canals, endodontic microsurgery (apicoectomy), internal bleaching, post removal, and diagnosis of orofacial pain.

What is endodontic therapy and why would I need it?

Your dentist has referred you to our office for evaluation and possible treatment of problems associated with the internal anatomy of your tooth. Endodontic therapy is indicated when the nerve tissue inside the root canal system becomes inflamed or infected from a variety of causes, such as: deep decay, multiple fillings, broken or cracked teeth, discoloration, or trauma.

Will I feel pain during or after the procedure?

Our goal is to provide a completely pain-free procedure. More often than not patients do not feel any pain during treatment. We expect to provide painless endodontic treatment by relying on comprehensive local anesthesia. After treatment some discomfort is expected but is usually well managed with over the counter medications. If necessary, Prescription drugs may be prescribed to treat the pain. Specific instructions for the management of discomfort will be provided at the time of root canal therapy.

What financial arrangements do you offer?

Payment is expected in full at the time of service. If you have dental insurance we will gladly submit your claim on your behalf, however we cannot guarantee an estimated coverage as the insurance policy is an agreement between you and your insurance carrier. If there is a balance after insurance has paid their portion, the remaining balance is your responsibility. For your convenience we do accept cash, checks, and all major credit cards.

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